Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hannah is 15 pounds 15 ounces, 26 inches and Meredith is 15 pounds 14 ounces 26 1/2 inches. Getting SO BIG! Mommy could tell yesterday as I carried them both around the house b/c neither would let me put them down without screaming! My arms are SORE today! Meredith is crusing, saying Mama (not at me yet), Dada (not at Alan yet), and Yum Yum (when she is eating something she likes though it sounds like Num Num) and waving hi and bye. Hannah is letting go when she pulls up and clapping when you say "YAY!"
sisterly playing ... they were laughing hysterically pulling this string back and forth ... the random things they like?!?!
ugh oh ... time to put up the gate!
where there is one ... there are two!
taken from my phone ... so not the greatest quality ... but they are such cute little messes! Those teething biscuits are a mess! Hannah has 3 teeth and Meredith has 2.
and the diaper changing wars begin!
they LOVE to play with the dog! they know what to do with his toy ...
Meredith says ... Cooper ... don't you want this? She picks it up and waves it at him when she wants him to play.
two against one!

1 comment:

Shauna said...

They are soooo happy now! I think it is time we get a dog.