Wednesday, June 18, 2008

pool & packing

This may be the last post from NC! We move to Atlanta in less than a week! As you can imagine ... packing and moving ourselves is going to be quite a feat with two little ones! I hope the girls do well with the move and are happy in our new house. I am a little sad and sentimental about leaving our home!
Hannah's old man grin!
Meredith is deep in thought ... actually she was watching her Dad shop-vac the grill ... but we can always claim that she was searching for the deeper meaning in life rather than trying to figure out what that annoying noise was!
How much watermelon can I fit in here??? Looks like Meredith has Hannah beat though Hannah isn't taking the defeat lying down! Meredith tends to do that ... eat like a chipmunk and store food in her cheeks!?
We are enjoying the move so far ... LOTS of boxes to pull up on!
You aren't supposed to pack them in boxes? Carseats? What?! Meredith isn't looking too sure about the situation ... Hannah is happy as long as she has her random favorite object of the day ... one day it is a plastic tablespoon, another day an empty bottle of Baby Tylenol, another day ... like this one, it is a bottle of hand sanitizer ... anything small that she can hold and crawl around with ... weirdo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sniff, sniff. you are leaving me!!! What will I do w/o you!??? You will have to keep up your blog so I can keep up with ya! Love ya!!