Thanks to my wonderful husband who is such a great Dad, I have some time to update this blog! I hope to keep it up now that I am a Mommy to 3. Alan has pretty much taken on the twins and let me rest and recover and take care of Caroline. The twins are doing OK. They are very gentle and generally interested in Caroline (love to pat her head and say "its OK ... she's OK now ..." if she was crying and is not anymore.) They think it is too funny when she burps, poops, etc ... They, however, do not much like it when it is time for her to eat. All the sudden they want in my lap and nothing else will do! They are getting a little better about this every day. They are funny in their limited understanding of things and trying to put what is going on into their "world." They thought that since they put some bandaids on Mommy's boo-boo then I would be better and able to carry them again. Unfortunately they don't really understand the concept of time (as in "it will be a few more weeks before Mommy can carry you") and it makes me sad to think that maybe they think I will never be able to pick them up again. Anyway, the main issue with their transition has been picking fights with each other. I think this is their way of acting out and either they are becoming sassy, talking-back 3 year olds before their time or they are just trying to figure out how to become "OK" with our new situation. Either way, it is frustrating and heartbreaking for me. I feel like half of their days, some days, are spent in time out or crying because I had to take this or that away. I guess it is all part of it and I hope my sweet, sweet girls come back soon! As for me, to make a long and messy story short, I had to be readmitted just for the day for an outpatient D&C due to some retained "stuff" in the uterus. I had been having lots of abdominal pain and spiking fevers and the way my body finally "told" us what was going on was to have a really frightening hemmorhage in my kitchen! Yikes! All is well that ends well and we are all home now. Caroline came home on a bili blanket but she went up and up with her bilirubin ... then ...YAY ... started to come down. She is off the blanket now and I am off the narcotics ;) That glass of wine last night was yummy! Here are some random pics from the week ...
Mer Bear and Caroline ... a friend gave the girls their big sis shirts and Caroline the stuffed doggy ... Hannah put the stuffed doggy in her chair and Meredith patted her on the head ...
Hannah ... TV and ice cream coma ...
(thanks to Amy and John for the term)
1 comment:
Glad all is going well. She is adorable! Ella had jaundice and the blanket too, it was such a pain. We also called her our little glow worm.
The girls will adjust, it just takes time. Sam took a permanent marker to my walls so I would say a few fights and fits aren't bad at all.
I sent all the girls a present in the mail today so be on the lookout. Also wanted to tell you we are coming to the UNC refresher courses at Kiawah Island so am hoping to meet Miss Caroline this summer!
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