Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The girls are EVERYWHERE these days! They thunder around chasing each other, the dog, me ... whatever is top on their priority list at the given moment. Thanks to separation anxiety, it is usually me, and if I am too fast for them, tears ensue. As my Pediatrician says, "that stage usually fades around a year old, and then you are really sad that they aren't so attached to you anymore." As Alan says, "she's got you nailed." And he is right =) They are pulling up on anything they can get their little sticky hands on! They are just too cute and growing up so fast!

Hannah's serious face ...
Meredith is my smiley girl! She is always smiling and sometimes just crawls around giggling for no apparent reason! I love it!
Hannah's extreme concentration face. Her Dad makes a very similar one!
This is what happens when you fall asleep sitting up (Hannah)
Bubbles! The girls have graduated to the 'big girl' tub. Though it is a little frightening when I am bathing them solo ... mainly because they want to pull up on the side of the tub all the time ... but we have a cusion pad for the bottom of the tub in case of falls and I do the best I can with keeping them entertained in a sitting position ...
I told you ... all smiles ... most of the time (Meredith)!
It turns out that standing up and chucking things out of the crib (including the favorite loveys and all the binkys ...) is WAY more fun than sleeping! Naps and night have taken a bit of a hit with all the new talents ... but maybe after a few more weeks the newness will wear off and we will get back to our previous 'sleep training has paid off' babies with good nap and night habits. Won't come too soon for us! I hate to hear them cry!!!
Toofies! Hannah has two in the bottom ... one almost all the way and the other right behind it. She also has a canine coming in the top. Meredith has 2 that have popped through on the bottom. No sign of top teething yet.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

getting so big!

Hannah is trying to pull up on a not-so-sturdy "object" ...
I have so many photos of Meredith sleeping, thought I would throw one in of Hannah ... is she trying to smother herself here? As if we Mommys don't have enough to worry about!
Putting Hannah to work entertaining the dog ... hmmm ... this could be good!
all we want to do is STAND UP!!! Here is Meredith ...
Hannah ...
Ooo la la! Sometimes, by the end of the day, there is more food on their clothes than in my whole fridge ... so we end up playing in diapers! Hannah is the one who can stand AND turn. Meredith loses her balance still.